I had a lovely weekend away.
As lovely as it could have been I suppose... I made some really big mistakes when I was younger and the effects are a lot worse now than they would have been if I had admitted to them when I was younger. You live and you learn I guess. I certainly have learned...
One of my beautiful friends got married this weekend in Durban. It was a beautiful wedding. She is an amazing girl and has married an amazing guy. What more could she ask for? I was honoured to be there to share her special day. I felt a little spare a lot of the time as I didn't really fit in anymore, but I would have been so sad had I missed it. Things change all of the time, people change, feelings change, friendships change, but love never leaves. Things just change that's all. I will get used to this as time goes on, I know that.
I spent a lot of the time when I was not involved with wedding activities with an amazing lady called Linda. A long lost friend but a true friend and a very special lady. We are so similar in so many ways but have taken such different paths, I think spending time together was good for both of us in very different ways. Thank you darling for a lovely weekend.
Marty and I went off on Monday and enjoyed our B&B voucher in Hout Bay. Gorgeous place called 'Le Marais.' Very french country but gorgeously modern rooms! Loved it and highly recommend it. This weekend has made me realise that I must love the things that I have and hold on to the things I do not want to lose. I am trying to be a better girlfriend and person in every way that I can...
Started a so-called health kick yesterday, it's a 28 day plan, so lets see how I get on... Two years ago I felt more amazing than I ever did before, and somehow I have just let myself slide. It is time I sort myself out, get in shape, feel more confident, not feel so old! I hate feeling as though I am getting old... I feel all panicked at the thought, I am not ready to be a mom, and a wife, and all that jazz... Not just yet, can I please just put it off for another couple of years... Please!?
So the painting in the photo is what I painted for my friends for their wedding present. Pop art. (The other one is Linda & the other, the girls at the hen night!) They loved it (they said they did!) And I hopefully have three more orders, so fingers crossed! I totally enjoyed painting it for them, and hope that I can do more stuff like that! I have only finally today had my inspiration for the order that I am doing for friends in Joburg. It has taken me a while to think of something original and I just had a creative brain wave today, so let's just hope that they love it. I am going to risk it and do it without telling them! Eeek! 2.3m x 1.7m (just a small picture then!?)
Have an interview tomorrow, really hoping it goes well. I am always busy, but I definitely need to bring in some cash soon. Have a few more bookings for 'Afrodizzyacts' but I feel bad hanging at home a lot of the time, and staring at a computer screen for hours on end does get a bit much. Need some activity in my life! Will let you know how it goes.
Time for bed now. Hope all is well in the big wide world. Send some comments my way about the painting! x
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