Pheuw.... Who is a tired girl? Me.... Pheuwee...... snore... snore...!!!
Went to bed far too late and got up far too early! So now I am just tucked in my bed catching up on all the internet business. Not to worry it is not all play, I work on here too! (I do!)
Marty and I were grabbed by a gay nun on Friday night who was outside of a bar in Long Street called Julep! Marty tried to escape but I was intrigued. Turns out this nun is a comedian, who would have guessed? (Note of sarcasm there! x) Sister Mary James is the name, and he is hilarious. We were convinced into buying two tickets for his show which was last Monday, and of course, me being the BIGGEST sucker in the world when it comes to someone selling stuff, we got two tickets! Marty was only slightly touched up, bum, thighs, tummy, biceps, nothing seriously major! Much to my amusement and his panic, and fear!!! Hee hee!!! I am a terrible girlfriend! Like when we are walking around a really gay area, I make him walk in front of me, just to see who checks him out... Hilarious stuff!!! It is only because he is so gorgeous, it is actually a compliment! xx
So basically we popped down to the show, which was great, and I shall do my best to promote it. I love spur of the minute things, and I love doing new and completely random things. It is the best way to live, and the best way to learn. We had a great evening, and needless to say Marty and I were picked on the most, I was called up to sing 'your the one that I want, ooh ooh ooh honey!' With ol' Sister Mary James! Funny, funny, funny! At the end of the evening a few of us went and had some sushi and chinese... (ooooh I am hungry...) And I was asked whether or not I would be interested in becoming the hilarious gay nun's protege! (sp?)
Me? A comedian, well I never!? I would like to think that I am quite funny and that my accents are rather good, but it is always when I am pissed! Sober stuff... No no no!!! Although, you never say never do you?! I didn't think I could act, and I got the part in a play called 'Scrubbers' and I succeeded in learning all the lines for a 90 minute play! I never thought I could do that, or not be shy doing something like that but I did it... So you know what?! I am going to give this comedian protege thing a go! We have rehearsals on Sunday... Eeek!
We won an auction for a dinner, bed & breakfast at a hotel in Hout Bay worth R1500, and we got it for R350, so very chuffed, we need a little romantic break! It will be lovely! Marty hasn't even been to Hout Bay yet! Think my beady eyes at everyone else bidding did the trick!!! Ha ha!!!
Busy old week it has been, did a very cool thing this week, but have to wait a couple weeks before I can say what it is... Marty and I are working on Saturday at the Roundhouse in Camps Bay tomorrow as human tables! Looking forward to it! We are doing an advert on the 2nd of May on stilts and then have very exciting things happening for the World Cup. Won't spill the beans just yet as I do not want to jinx it, but lets just say all you folk around the world, look out for us on TV!!! Woo hoo!!!!
Off to Durban next week for one of my beautiful friend's weddings, can't wait and then the month of May is dedicated to painting a HUGE painting (2.3m x 1.7m) for some Joburgites! So that shall be a big job, but very exciting!
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend. Catch you all soon. Mwah xx
Marty & I doing a granny & grandpa act at Vortex, just outside Cape Town.
Me doing fire at the Afrikadabra party a few weeks ago at the Castle here in Cape Town.
Human Table... Love it!
Marty & I being human statues at a birthday party at the Butterfly Studios here in Cape Town.
Marty & Sister Mary James!!!
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