
I cannot believe how much stuff I have... It is ridiculous! I am a proper hoarder... (Hope that is how you spell it?!)
I shipped 25 boxes from London... 25!!! Isn't that the most absurdly ridiculous thing you have ever heard?! For goodness sakes, I am only 28... I have seven million pairs of shoes, clothes, clothes, clothes, some I haven't even worn for years... I have jewellery, earrings, bracelets, hats, socks, scarves, head bands, bra's, underwear, stockings... More than enough for at least 20 people!
I have magnets, magnets, magnets (I love my magnets though!) I have a magnet from every single place I have been, but not just the country magnets, even the state magnets...
Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, Egypt, Jordan, Dubai, Israel, South Korea, Australia - Perth - Sydney -Melbourne - Great Ocean Road, Jamaica, America - Las Vegas - Phoenix - New York, England (won't even name all the England ones as that is just ridiculous!) Scotland, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, Brussels, France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain - Madrid - Ibiza - Menorca -Majorca, Canary Islands - Tenerife - Gran Caneria, Italy - Venice - Florence - Bologna - Pisa, Greece - Athens - Ios - Paros - Naxos - Spetses - Mykonos, Portugal... That is all I can remember now! Think that is it?!
(Perhaps I sound like I am showing off a bit, but it is also nice for me to write it all down and see what I have done!) Ooooooh... That is why I miss being in London! It is so easy to pop to Europe you know?! Guess I can now do the African countries! I still haven't been to Namibia and that is pretty close to Cape Town. There is this huge festival in Tanzania in August which hopefully we will work at?! That would be awesome! I would also like to go to Malawi... It is mean't to be gorgeous... There is definitely lots to do here, we just need to save some money now hey?!
Back to the crazy hoarding.... Now that I am pretty much a professional performer (yay!) I have cupboards full of fancy dress stuff, head pieces, wigs, masks, eye-lashes, feathers (and more feathers,) accessories, bags of stilt pants, angel wings, butterfly wings, belts, crazy cat-suits... It is like a bloody fancy dress shop in our apartment at the moment!
We bought a couch and a bed last week which have not yet arrived. I cannot wait to get rid of all this old mismatching furniture... I will feel so much happier! Although it does not end there because I need LOTS of cupboard space, so cannot wait till we can afford it all. We will have to have a giant cupboard and book shelf in the lounge for extra storage! I feel as though we are just staying in this apartment, but it is not yet ours you know?!
Then there is the painting that I do, the paint, the glitter, the stones, the glue, the paintbrushes, the canvas, the art books, the spray paint... That takes up a WHOLE lot of space, and needless to say we have my paintings plonked all over the house!
You don't even want me to get started on the books.... Aaaaaah! I swear I could start my own library... That is what happens when you work in publishing houses... I worked at two during my stay in London, so cheap books.... Therefore.... Natalie goes completely OVERBOARD! I tried to calculate the other day just how long it would take for me to read all my books, it would be years and years... And that was working on an average read, when sometimes I don't read for months! Too busy doing other stuff to actually relax and read... I really need to sort out my time management....
Then of course, there are the African sculptures, masks, drums, chairs... I already have more than enough here, and I left most of it in London! I guess you could say that I am proud to be an African, but man oh man, there is no need! I live in Africa again now, so perhaps I need to stop that collection....
I started collecting plates as well as magnets (and badges - for my backpack) when I first started travelling, but luckily stopped that a few countries ago... I think that is my mothers fault... She has plates on her wall and I guess I thought I could do the same, but for goodness sake it is not necessary! Magnets are more than enough!
Why am I like this I wonder?! I hate it! It stresses me out, it makes me feel clogged down you know?! It is a huge responsibility and I need to sort myself out soon, or else I will be on one of the 'Clean your house' shows.... Please NO!!! I honestly think I have OCD you know?! I am like that with my food too?! I hate people eating my food, using my things, making mess, I am very pedantic with all most everything... It is ANNOYING!!! Does anyone have any advice for me?! I could honestly do with some right now... We do not have enough space in our new apartment, and I need to learn how to get rid of things, and break down the clutter in my life, because I tell you what, I am sure I will be happier?!
Looking forward to the tips peeps! Come on... Get busy!
xx Happy Easter for this weekend too! xx
Happy Easter my darling friend. I know you will sort things out .. .. when you feel ready. You could have always asked me! LOl.Then you would have nothing as my OCD is minamlistic apart from my clothes! Oh and shoes. yeah thats about it.
ReplyDeleteHope you get a massive Choc egg!
Miss ya Baby Girl.