Friday we didn't do anything productive, but we had a lovely evening. Marty and I started running a few weeks ago with some friends along the sea point promenade and with a lovely new lady called Michelle. She is a running coach and has taught us all sorts of good things about running, and our endurance is definitely getting better and better each week. Anyway, she had us over for a feast of a dinner, so we could catch up on 'so you think you can dance!' The awesome dance competition that is held in the States, that I am hooked on! Man, those folk can dance!!!! (Say that with an American accent, sounds better!) We all had lots of chatties, and it was a great evening.
Then on Saturday, we were up and off to Builders Warehouse, as there are several things we need for the flat, plus I am in the process of making some funny props for my new company. Well let's just hope it turns into a company! You shall see all the pics in good time!
Then, it was home and a major rush to get Marty painted with big red hearts all over his chest and back, with bow-tie, top hat and cuffs! Oh he looked so cute! I was in a red catsuit with hearts on my cheek, red lipstick and lots of ribbons tied everywhere. We rushed to Long Street, as of course we were late as usual, so it was a quick change into our stilt pants and stilts of course (and knee pads... just incase!) We were working for a hen party at a place in Green Market Square called 'Mumbo Jumbo.' An awesome little bar that has upstairs and downstairs areas for parties, hen nights, stag do's etc. Would highly recommend it! We held up the large sign as the bride to be arrived, congratulating her. Had a few drinks with all the girls, and then made our way up long street popping into all the bars, clubs and restaurants handing out our business cards! We were received really well by all, some more than others, but that is how it always goes! We had lots of pictures taken with all kinds of people, and even got a R5 tip from one man which was funny!!! We were not on the money making mission, but later on in the evening we were actually given R200! So hey, we shall not say 'no!' They absolutely loved us in 'Mama Africa!' A gorgeous traditional African restaurant on Long Street, full of tourists. We must have had over forty pictures taken in about ten minutes! The manager was very cool, and said he would definitely call us for work sometime! Hooray for that! Now we need some real bushmen outfits and crazy head pieces so we fit in better! The other place that really enjoyed for us was 'Cape to Cuba,' who have a lot of themed evenings and the manager turned out to be a Zimbo! From Mazoe! Love that!
We rushed back to the hen party and hour and a half later and did a quick fire show for the girlies, who had by now had a fair few drinks and loved it! Then it was on to this wicked club, called 'Hemisphere,' on the 31st floor of the ABSA building. What amazing views of Cape Town! They should turn it into a restaurant during the day or something! Beautiful! We were in the VIP area which was fun, Marty and I went in with our old people masks and danced liked hooligans! Let's hope they want us back there sometime to work! That would be cool! Perhaps next week that is where we should head to on Saturday on our stilts with another crazy costume! We are working next Friday as stilt angels for the '2Oceansvibe' party at St Ives, in Camps Bay, which is mean't to be an awesome party! Things are picking up! Wouldn't it be nice if I just didn't have to get another job?! I could do all this crazy stuff at the weekends and some evenings during the week, and then during the day I could just paint!!! That would be my ideal life!!!
So, it is Sunday now and we are both hanging some what, so I shall sign off as we are about to eat a delicious concoction of a curry (which tastes yummy!) And watch 'Sherlock Holmes!' Hope you have all had a great weekend too! Bye!!!! x
P.S Pics are some of the places we popped in to on stilts! The interior is Cape to Cuba which looked awesome inside!
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