Wednesday, March 31, 2010
31st March 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Midnight 25th March 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010
14th March 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010
8th March 2010

I have been back from Zimbabwe now for five days, and it has been a busy five days at that! I was so happy that I got to go back to Zimbabwe for Joey, and my wonderful mum kindly paid for my flight back from Bulawayo to Johannesburg so that I could stay for a few more days which was very nice of her. It is never good to see your family for a day or two, especially when I am probably not going to see them again for another eight months or so... We had a great few days, despite the fact that they were mad with me for getting home on Sunday morning from the night before! Bad girl, but we were partying for Jo Jo, and we ALL were so I have been forgiven! Eeeek! I do not think my parents will ever except the fact that I am a grown up. I will always have a curfew I am sure! At least if I am staying with them! I wonder if I will be like that with my kids one day?! Hmmm...?!
Marty picked me up from the airport after he finished work. Every Wednesday we go to the cinema as it's half price, and we are cheap skates! So I arrived, delayed, of course and we rushed off to the Cape Town Waterfront to see the movie 'The Lovely Bones.' I actually read the book a while ago, which was lovely, and it was nice to see how they adapted the movie. It always interests me watching movies, especially when I have read the book first. It is a very sad story about a young girl who is murdered, and she tells the story as she goes along. She is stuck in between heaven and earth because she has unfinished business until the murderer is found. Anyway, it shows the writer's idea of heaven, which looks just amazing. Waterfalls everywhere, beautiful big moons, suns, planets, fields of golden corn, water, forests... So much more, just beautiful. So when the end of the movie comes (I haven't ruined it, I promise!) She makes her way into heaven, and I got really upset, wondering whether that was where Joey had gone, and if it is anything like that. Marty just hugged me and I cried and cried, until we were the last people left in the cinema... Then the most amazing thing happened.. Which I will get to in a minute...
You see, the whole day on the aeroplane, I was looking out at the clouds. The clouds on the flight from Joburg to Cape Town were just spectacular. More beautiful than any other clouds I have ever seen. I kept on hoping my minds eye would show me something that I could think was Joey. I was hoping I would see him darting about the clouds, with all the gorgeous angel girls, (okay I suppose that is a bit far fetched!) I know... But I was hoping to see something that would make me think of Joey, and that I could take it as a sign that he was okay. I didn't see anything. I guess part of me thought I wouldn't anyway, but you always just hope don't you?!
When my beautiful Granny died last year, almost exactly to the day, the greatest thing happened whilst we were burying her. My Granny was the BIGGEST Elvis fan alive, she had Elvis mugs, Elvis ashtrays, Elvis handbags, Elvis T-Shirts, Elvis badge's, an awesome Elvis clock (that actually sings every hour! 'It's one o'clock baby, and you are always on my mind!' Say it with an Elvis voice!) plus much much more! She had nearly every LP he ever did, honestly, you wouldn't believe it, all the stuff she had! Anyway, when she died at the great age of 88, (I would much rather she was still around) we had her buried. It was a very sad time, but when we got to the grave yard and the whole process was going on, we had Elvis playing from the car radio, as it was only right that we should. Just as her coffin started going into the ground, the song came on... 'Return to sender, address unknown!' Can you believe it! Well, we all just giggled and knew that my Granny was telling us that she was okay, and that she was up there with Elvis jiving away!
So... Let me get back to what I was going to say... The movie had finished and everyone had left, Marty was trying to console me but I was very tearful. I think I will always get upset when I think of Jo because he was such an awesome guy and I will always think about him, and miss him. The actors, directors, producers names were coming up on the screen. This lady was singing this ordinary kind of movie-ending-song in the background, when, out of nowhere... Dogs started howling! In the song! Now that was one of Joey's trademark things, howling! We even howled at The Celebration of his life when the Chinese Lanterns were let off into the sky! It was nuts, and I thought I was hearing things! There were no dogs in the movie, well not of any significance anyway, the song was just an ordinary song too! It just came out of nowhere! I started to laugh! Well actually I was crying and laughing at the same time, have you ever done that?! I just knew that it was Joey telling me that he was okay. I know some of you may think it strange, but I just knew! There were many things as to why we went to that movie, on the day I arrived back, I was tired, Marty had booked it, we almost didn't go, but, I tell you what! I was so glad we did, it gave me that little piece of mind that he was okay, which made me feel okay. So I hope that whoever else needs it, something like that happens to them too! I know it is only silly, but little things like that help, even if it is just coincidence!
After the movie we got home to a COCKROACH infested flat! Shit shit shit!!! We literally walked in and the bloody bastards were everywhere! On the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling! My word! I was freaking out! The flat immediately to our left had a Chinese dude living there, and he had been evicted because his flat was a tip, so guess what! Welcome little cocks to our flat! (They say that the Chinese actually eat cockroach's – grrrosssse!!!) I was having a major tantrum, Marty was trying to collect them up, and I was just squishing them, left, right and centre! Apparently though, you are not mean't to kill them, as their eggs go everywhere, but I didn't care. 'DIE' I say!!! Thank heavens, our new lovely Landlord had already given us the key for our new flat, which is only around the corner from this other 'holiday' apartment! We went traipsing down the road at two am the following morning with as much as we could carry to our new place. After which it was as many visits as possible to collect all our stuff and get the hell out of there! They seem to disappear some what during the day, but popping back there the following evening was like take two! How many cans or big spray can you get through and they still don't die! I even half squished one and the other half of its body went skittering off! Nothing kills them! Aaaahhh!
We are all good now, and settled in our new place. Have a lot to do, and some furniture to buy, some painting to be done, and a maid to find, but we shall get there! I have a few different interviews this week, and my lovely friend Angie is so kindly helping me with my CV, which is a major issue! I almost need three different ones for all the different crazy and normal jobs that I have done in the last ten years of my life! I think she must regret offering to help me when she saw my blurb of stuff!
I am very excited though as I hear she is a pro at these sorts of things! I shall sign off now, and fill you in later on in the week as to what I have been getting up to. Hope everyone is well, and appreciating all the good things they have in life. Not everyone can do that, so make the most of what you have. Don't ever waste a thing! We only get one shot at this life.... X
P.S The pics are of my Granny with her various Elvis stuff and then two of her when she was younger! Wasn't she just gorgeous! x
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
3rd March 2010

Right now I am sitting at Johannesburg airport, just arrived from Bulawayo and on my way back to Cape Town in a few hours. I decided last week Wednesday at about 8pm that I had to come home for Joey's memorial... Well, not his memorial, but the Celebration of his life... I booked my ticket and flew the following morning at 6:30am, my poor boyfriend having to wake up soooo early and take me to the airport before work! I must say, I am very lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life... I think I am quite the pain sometimes!
I arrived in Joburg and spent the day with my wonderful Grandad and his wife Lynette, who is sadly a little unwell at the moment. Nevertheless it was great to see them again. I love spending time with my Grandpop, he is one of the most interesting men I know. I am so very grateful that I have had the opportunity to grow up and form a friendship with him. A true, solid friendship. My mum's mother died when I was only one year's old, and apparently she was a great lady, full of life, loved travelling, loved experiencing new things, loved cooking. My Grandad says I remind him a lot of her, which is a great thing to be told. Often the rest of my family wonder where I come from, because I am the wild child! Mum, it was your mum!!!
I was picked up on Thursday evening by some of Joey's South African friends, a lovely couple whom I got on so well with from the word go! Kerry and I sat up that evening until six the following morning, chatting and having a few toots! (A few too many perhaps!) It was wonderful, getting to know each other and reminiscing about our darling friend Joey. On the Friday we jumped into a mini van and drove all the way to Musina, near the Beit Bridge border where we stayed the night. Another friend of Joey's came along for the journey, a very interesting man who is a writer, and gave me some great advice towards my future writing career... Let's hope I can take this somewhere one day, as I love writing! (Can you tell?!) (Jabber, jabber, jabber!) We proceeded to drink again (I did try avoid it) but... pheuw, it is a long journey... So, why not! Hard core here I come!
We arrived in Bulawayo at about 4pm on Saturday, and rushed about getting ready to make it to the venue by 5pm. What an amazing evening, unbelievably sad, but wow, just amazing. There were hundreds of people, no idea exactly how many, but a lot. It was at Joey's old high school in the hall, and there were people inside, outside, constantly arriving. The family were unbelievably strong in the such sad circumstances. I think the fact that they could see just how many lives Joey touched, helped give them some inner strength, that they may not have had before. The speeches began later on in the evening and were so touching, I do not think there was a dry eye in the house. Joey's twin sisters, who are just beautiful girls, gave the cutest, happiest speech I have heard in a long time. Two of his friends spoke, his dad and a family friend. The words touched everyone and made us all remember just how wonderful Joey actually was. There was a beautiful DVD shown with photos and video clips going right back to his childhood and playing some of his favourite music. What a crazy, fun loving boy he was! He just LOVED life! xx
Later on in the evening, the Bulawayo fire crew had organised a fire show as a tribute to Joe. (We do this fire dancing thing, with ropes and poles – it is called 'poi' and I have done it now for over seven years.) I actually got Joe started a few years ago, when I was doing a show out at a Dam just outside Bulawayo. He asked if he could have a go, and I said 'of course, but not while they are on fire!' Oh no... That was not what he wanted! You see, Joey was one of those people that was all or nothing. He never did anything in half measures. Not even one thing. He made me light them and off he went! Bashing himself, burning himself, dirtying his clothes, but he was off! There was no stopping him, and about four weeks ago we did a show together, the first one I have ever done with him since then. He was amazing! I was so proud...
Luckily I was able to join in the show at such short notice, the guys had chosen one of Joey's favourite songs, a beautiful dance song, with beautiful words and a lovely tune. I will try and find out the name of it, or upload the video when I get a chance. We started by lighting Joey's poi and leaving them hanging up and burning for him and for everyone, then we began. There were just four of us, and the song lasted about 8mins. Everyone cheered and as the song got faster and faster, the energy was amazing. I felt Joey there with us, 100%. At the end we all blew his poi out at the same time and wished we weren't saying goodbye... I bet you he is up in heaven entertaining all the angels...
Joey's friends James and Kerry had brought with them from South Africa, these beautiful Chinese lanterns which everyone had signed and his family, close friends and the fire crew set alight. 'Every time we touch I get this feeling, every time we kiss I reach for the sky,' was playing as they finally took flight... It was the most beautiful, emotional thing, and such an awesome way to say 'goodbye for now,' to our beautiful Jo Jo... Everyone howled like dogs as they took off... It was a trade mark Joey sound! He was always a howler to get the party going! It was the most beautiful evening, we danced, and partied and laughed, and did just what Joey would have wanted us to do! I hope that when my time comes to leave this world, that I have something like that. I would want a happy event, not a sad one. A joyous one, with my fire crew... Even if we are all in our eighties! I sure hope we can still dance with fire when we are that age!!! This has been a pure example as to how to say goodbye to someone we love. We should not ever be sad and somber, we should celebrate the lives of those we loved. I think anyone would want that.
This morning before my flight, I ran into his folks house to give them one last hug. What a beautiful family, we hugged and shed a few tears, but I tell you what... They had a unique, selfless, fabulous son, and I hope that they will think of the happy times, and be blessed that he came into their lives. Even if it wasn't for long enough. Joey is needed somewhere, and that is why he went. He has also taught us to love more, to care more, to think about others more, and to appreciate every little thing. New friendships have been made this weekend, so many things have happened that would never have happened, I can just imagine. There is a reason why he left us, and with time, we may all figure that out more and more. We will miss him so, but we will never forget him, we will always love him, and he has most certainly changed everyone's lives whom he knew for the better. I have no doubt about that.
My friend, fly high, watch over us, we shall miss you, but we will meet again... xxx
23rd Feb 2010
I have been feeling quite down this evening... I am not too sure why?! Perhaps the fact that three of us are staying in a tiny studio apartment, with stuff everywhere and a window that looks out onto another wall. That could be it, couldn't it!? I cannot wait to get out of this so called holiday apartment (they fail to mention the view) and show you the interior, that is fairly stylish and sounds like a deal, but oh no no, it definitely ain't! I can't generally bare being here. Unless of course there is something mildly entertaining on the TV, and perhaps Marty is cooking me something yummy for dinner. (Never fear! I cook too!) Other than that I would rather be out and about, looking around, or on the internet looking for work and communicating with my hommies!
We started exercising last week for the first time in MONTHS! Man, what a week! I tell you though, I pushed through and did kick boxing, ran three times and then very stupidly, got up early Saturday morning and did a British Military Fitness thing! Holy moly I nearly died!!! I won't be doing that for a while, well at least not until I get slightly more fit. This no working, no exercising, eating too much business, is just not on anymore! I feel plumper and plumper everyday! 'No more!' She says! The whole routine started again this week, and this evening we even ran in the rain! I must say I have far more motivation here than I did in London, so at least that is a good thing! We are also on the no carb for dinner vibe too, which is going pretty well, except of course for the odd hangover day! (There is no stopping me then! Aaaah!!!) Tonight we made bangers and 'mash' – well mashed butternut and carrots, so you at least try and con yourself that it is potato! We shall see what else we can invent, and will let you know how we get on! Although, poor Marty, he doesn't need to be on diet, but the poor soul is helping his lady out (with the odd snack of two minute noodles! He loves them!)
So, tomorrow I am off to have a medical done for this visa business, have so much to do it is stressing me out. I will get there though! Luckily I have some amazing people here in Cape Town who are willing to help me out with job offers and certifying this and that, what a relief. I feel as though I am part South African anyway, I wish this wasn't such a mission!
Feeling a bit down that I most probably won't make it to Joey's memorial on Saturday as it just costs too much. I must just be grateful that I had him in my life and that is what counts the most.There are so many people making their way to Bulawayo, what a loved person he was, from far and wide. Memorials in South Africa, Zimbabwe and England.
Then tomorrow evening, we are off to see Avatar, after our run of course! Heard so much about this movie, and even though we have it on DVD we are banned to watch it unless it is 3D, so hope we enjoy it! Half price movies on Wednesdays though, so no feet up in front this time! Bummer!
Feeling happier as I write, what a wonderful pleasure it is. Hope you are all okay and will write again soon.... X