It is ridiculous the amount of time it has been since I last wrote... Who knows what happened?! I have just been so busy and so wrapped up in work that I am always

Lots has been going on as you can imagine, some good, some bad, but I am managing to deal with all of it so that is the good thing! I definitely cannot believe how time flies, it is nearly the end of the year it is insane! I have started to forget little things about my life before in London. That is kind of sad in so many ways, but wow what wonderful things have happened here. I would not change a thing I don't think?!
Marty and I are still in our flat, on our own now after Lisa went back to London and Zuga took to Joburg with Madame Zingara. The spare room has since become a store room, but much needed space! Lots of new equipment, new costumes, and a dryer! I finally managed to buy a washing machine, thank heavens, so now the spare room has a constant flow of drying laundry.
Very exciting things have happened with work, but I will get into all of that another day. I definitely am too tired to even begin with that. All I can say is that I am happy, and things are going well. Long may they continue!
Going to Zimbabwe for Christmas, and have two friends weddings. Should be a fun time I hope. Just waiting to here as to whether Marty is going to be able to come home or WORK! Aaaah! So frustrating, but I am definitely going to go home for at least three weeks. Dec / Jan is a busy time for work so I will just have to make sure I have things together and girlies to take over whilst I am away. My darling friend Jacs is always a superstar and I am grateful to her.
The folks came for a ten day holiday, which was kind of like work in a way, as mum was on a mission. Sorting our flat, chucking things out (why do I have such issues with this?) We also managed to buy me a car. I paid half and borrowed half so will get on the paying back mission as soon as I possibly can. Its a cute little Toyota Yaris and I am very happy with her! Marty has the Auris so we have boy car and girl car!!! Hee hee!!!
Starting with a personal trainer tomorrow from 'Dragon Power Gym,' eeek is all I can say! It is time to start fighting this flab dammit! What has happened to my motivation?! Drives me crazy I tell you?! I am hoping it is going to come back in full force and that I can slim down a little. Old age and food takes its toll on one's body! I wish I could have the bod I had a few years ago! Was jolly happy then... Aaaah!
Anyway... time for bed.... I will try and fill you in on more news soon... So sorry it has been so long! xx Have attached some of the recent work pics for you to see some cool stuff! xx Night all xx
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