It has been soooooo long since I last wrote! Can you tell how busy I have been!?
Let me tell you why that has been! 'Madame Zingara!' Pheuw what a job! Great fun, amazing people, but loooong hours, I have been exhausted! It has been my entire life literally for the last month. It is an amazing place, an awesome show, gorgeous food, great people (especially the waitering staff of course!) I have loved every minute of it! However, this truly awesome job offer fell into my lap and I had a week to prepare a presentation and I got the job! Woo hoo!!!! Don't get too excited it is only for a three week period but I am super chuffed and it should hopefully bring great things! Hopefully they will have me back at the circus but I shall leave that up to them?! xx
I am supplying performers to entertain the crowds at the SA's Got Talent TV show on SABC in all the major cities. Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban! Look at me?! Hee hee! It is brilliant! I have all kinds of acts working for me, of course Marty and I shall be doing a bit of stilts, fire dancing, fire breathing and granny dancing! We are going to perform in all the cities except Durban as that is just a one day event and it is not worth our while going for one day. I have an amazing friend in Durban called Linda, who is opening up the Durban office of 'Afrodizzyacts' in the near future and she shall be running the day for me.
The acts I have organised vary from singers, musicians, break dancers, crumpers, hip hop dancers, contemporary dancers, unicycle riders, jugglers, magicians, digeridoo players, belly dancers, african drummers, gumboot dancers, female impersonators, beat-boxers etc! What a wicked line up don't you think!? I cannot believe all this is happening right now. I am such a busy girl, and a real little business woman right now! Let's just hope it continues to fly high! I knew there was a reason why I was mean't to come to South Africa. I love the UK absolutely, but I was only ever working for other companies and not often enough. There is so much competition over there that it was hard to get work, and I would never have thought about opening my own agency. I always had to turn to care work as I didn't have a University degree to fall back on, and I hated being an administrator or anything of the sort! Routine stuff just does not work for me! Over here I believe in myself. I believe I am capable. I am confident. I know what I am doing. I know what works. I know what people like! I am happy that is for sure!
It is definitely a lot harder to keep afloat and it is hard to save and buy things, but we will get there I have faith. Marty has a great job and is working really hard, he is going to go far in his career. He is away at the moment for a whole month (aaaah!) In Port Elizabeth, but I am kind of glad as I think he needed to go away so that I could get my bearings again, you know?! I absolutely miss him so much. He is a wonderful guy, he loves me so much, he would do anything for me. I would be crazy to lose him! He is what I always wanted! I did love my ex very much and he broke my heart, but we weren't right for each other. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with that, and I think that is why I have pushed Marty away so much. I spoke to him the other day and it was really nice. He is happy and has a lovely new girlfriend, the one in between me and his new one was a nutcase! I am happy for him, and I know he is happy for me too. At least we can be friendly after all this time. Marty is my complete match. We enjoy the same things, we have the same goals, we have the same backgrounds, we are lucky to have found each other. Yes, I know relationships are hard, but I will work on myself all the time, I have definitely learn't that. I am not getting any younger, and I do want to be semi-normal one day!? I am sure I want to get married and have babies and all that jazz (but I am just sure not certain, I have a few more years to go yet!) ;0)
I miss all my friends in London, I seem to have lost touch with quite a few and that is pretty sad. Moving is such a big change in your life. I have so many amazingly wonderful people in my life. My whole life! I guess as you move forward things do change. I hope that all my special people (and there are so many) know that I love them and always will, even if we lose touch a little. I am so very lucky to say that I have made some amazing new friends in Cape Town already, wow! People I never would have met if I hadn't have moved here. All the Zingarians, and the special ones know who they are, I am so lucky to have made some absolutely fabulously unique new friends. I have met some of the most BEAUTIFUL people since I have been here. My whole perception has changed being back in Africa. This has been a great experience and continues to be.
The World Cup has been unreal, the vibe, the energy, the feelings of everyone! If you weren't here you certainly missed out, but I know all the Africans around the world could only have imagined! It gives me goose bumps thinking about it all, and I am so sad that it is all over! Let us just hope that it brings more tourism from all over the world, because Africa is an amazing place. Especially Zimbabwe!!! xx
I have written a lot tonight I know. It is my parents 32nd wedding anniversary today. I hope that I am as lucky as them one day. I love them so much and I would never change them for the world. Thank you mum & dad for everything you have done for me over the years. I am very grateful, I think I have turned out alright in the end?! Don't you think!?
Goodnight all xx