So, if you don't know me, my name is Natalie and I am originally from the beautiful country known as Zimbabwe. You know my age already so I shall skip that part (aaaarghh!) I grew up in Zimbabwe in a town called Bulawayo, the second biggest city in the country, although really, it is not that big. If you have ever known a Zimbabwean and met another Zimbabwean they will always say 'oh, what are their names, I probably know them. Or know someone who knows them!' Some people think you are nuts, but more often than not, we know them! It is amazing how many times that has happened to me! In all parts of this big, wide, small world!
I had an awesome childhood, absolutely nothing to complain about. Wonderful parents, lovely sister (well these days anyway! We were nicknamed Iraq and Iran!) An older half brother, who I know loves me, but for some reason I annoy the s**t out of him. As much as he hates anyone saying this, I think we are very similar in many ways, both head strong, opinionated and stubborn! We are nice people though!!! We have grown up in completely different ways, where as he went to school, went to Uni, got a job, got married, had kids (the proper way life is mean't to be! Isn't it?) I went to school, went overseas, travelled all over the world, worked completely crazy jobs, met some insane people, did some stupid, stupid stuff, had a few boyfriends, and am only now starting to consider settling down... Although trust me when I say 'starting,' I am just in the early stages of this crazy process of my next stage in adult life! (And another... aaaaarghh!)
I left Zimbabwe at the young age of eighteen, when I look back now... I was far too young.... I have done many, many things, andf I am sure as my blog goes along these things shall come out... I spent almost ten years away from home, living in foreign places, without my family, but luckily with many old and new friends. I of course came home to Africa every Christmas except for two, as I cannot survive without a dose of family love and hospitality, and, for some strange reason, I wanted to keep my residency in Zimbabwe.... Just incase....?! Hmmmm?!
I am now however, living in Cape Town! I left the UK on a crazy whim of an idea early December to start a new chapter in my life, and to see how things go?! I met a wonderful Zimbabwean boy (I say boy, because he is my boy, and I am five years older! Woop woop!) We met at the beginning of last year and what we thought would be a fling turned into a year long, long distance relationship, seeing each other every few months... He is still studying, mechanical engineering, I might add, so all there was to do was to come back to Africa and see how things progressed. So far so good! We have only been in Cape Town for two weeks now, and still getting settled, and getting our lives together, but we are happy, and long may it continue. We move into our new apartment at the beginning of March and cannot wait!
I am missing London, but not so much as to want to return just yet. Not mentioning the fact that it is amazingly warm here right now... That is not in consideration, of course!!! I miss my friends, and the parties, and the culture, but I am starting a fresh experience again, and how many people can say that they are doing that?! Being in Cape Town alone, there are so many things to do, I cannot even find time to fit them all into my schedule. It amazes me how little time I have to do anything at the moment, and I am not even working yet! Not to worry, that is not due to my laziness, it is due to the fact that I am having visa issues, and have a fair amount of paperwork to get through in the next few weeks!
Very exciting job prospect though for next week... Being a Butler for a rich family coming from overseas! What fun would that be?! They want a Cordon-Bleu Chef, a Butler, two Au-Pairs, a maid and a big fancy house for ten days. Just my style! Ha! I wish! So, fingers crossed I get the job and shall finally be able to contribute to our new little life! Perhaps I can do some fire shows and walk on stilts to entertain the kids at the same time?! What do you reckon!? Sounds like a plan! Xx
Anyway, I guess I should head to bed.. Had a cup of tea when I got home... What a bad idea..... Caffine for my over active brain after 4pm is a terrible idea, but I was hungry so wasn't thinking, dammit! Lets just hope I nod off soon, or else this may turn into a five page, day one blog, and none of you will ever come back!
I would like to wish my gorgeous God children, Jade and Cyan a happy, happy birthday from your Auntie Nats, and when your new babba comes give him (or her) a big big kiss from me too. Xx Love you lots! Xx
I also wanted to wish the Langlois family all the love in the world, and the strength to get through this awful time, after the loss of their beautiful son Joey. A good friend of mine and many people's, a loving son, grandson and brother. You will be sorely missed my friend, but we shall meet again, never fear! X Love you always you crazy boy X
Farewell for now, I shall continue again soon! Xxx
(Picture of me and my gorgeous friend Joey xx)